The results of a simulation run are represented as rows and columns where the row is all the data for a specific date
and the column (or comma separated field in the downloaded data) is a the value of a specific parameter.
The parameters of the results data are described below. Other than the initial values in the first row, each row reflects the state of the
model at the end of the date shown in the first field.
- Date - the date this sample was taken. The first row is labeled "Initial" reflecting the initial conditions.
- Colony Size - the number of adult bees in the colony.
- Adult Drones - the number of adult drones in the colony
- Adult Wkr - the number of adult workers in the colony not including foragers.
- Foragers - the number of foragers in the colony
- Active Foragers - the number of forager which are actually foraging. Based on the "Proportion of Active Foragers" initial condition parameter.
- Capped Drone Pupae - the number of capped drone cells.
- Capped Wkr Pupae - the number of capped worker cells.
- Drone Larv - the number of drone larvae.
- Wkr Larv - the number of worker larvae.
- Drone Eggs - the number of drone eggs.
- Wkr Eggs - the number of worker eggs.
- Eggs Today - the total number of eggs (drone + worker) laid on this day.
- DD - A state variable internal to the model.
- L - A state variable internal to the model.
- N - A state variable internal to the model.
- P - A state variable internal to the model.
- dd - A state variable internal to the model.
- l - A state variable internal to the model.
- n - A state variable internal to the model.
- Free Mites - number of mites in colony which are not currently in capped pupae.
- DPupae Mites - number of mites in drone pupae.
- WPupae Mites - number of mites in worker pupae.
- Mite/DBCell - average drone pupae infestation rate in mites per cell.
- Mite/WBCell - average worker pupae infestation rate in mites per cell.
- Mites Dying - number of mites that died on this day.
- Prop Mites Dying - the proportion of total mites that died on this day.
- Colony Pollen - grams of pollen stored in colony.
- Conc Pollen Pest - the concentration of pesticide active ingredient contained in the stored pollen in μ-grams per gram.
- Colony Nectar - grams of nectar stored in colony.
- Conc Nectar Pest - the concentration of pesticide active ingredient contained in the stored nectar in μ-grams per gram.
- Dead DLarv(Pest) - number of drone larvae dying this day due to pesticide mortality.
- Dead WLarv(Pest) - number of worker larvae dying this day due to pesticide mortality.
- Dead DAdult(Pest) - number of drone adults dying this day due to pesticide mortality.
- Dead WAdult(Pest) - number of worker adults dying this day due to pesticide mortality.
- Dead Foragers(Pest) - number of forgers dying this day due to pesticide mortality.
- Queen Strength - queen strength [1..5] on this day.
- Ave Temp - average temperature in degrees C on this day.
- Min Temp - minimum temperature in degrees C on this day.
- Max Temp - maximum temperature in degrees C on this day.
- Day Hours - the number of hours of daylight where the temperature would be conducive to foraging.
- Forage Inc - the proportion of a day the foragers will age. Based on daylight hours and temperatures.
- Frg Day - Yes or No based on the windspeed and rainfall on this day.